Become your own authority on how you move

Feldenkrais can set you free





The Feldenkrais Method® is like a gentle workout for your brain and body. It helps you move better and feel better in everyday life. It offers gentle and safe strategies that can benefit everyone, regardless of age or fitness level.

“It’s magic,” said a recent class participant.

Photo by Sarah Mason

Our bodies change over time, but we have the potential to make small improvements in how we move that make a big difference.

  • Do you struggle to get up and down off the floor?

  • Maybe putting your socks on used to be a lot easier.

  • Is your body changing due to menopause?

  • Do you feel that your body is letting you down?

Hello, I’m Caroline

I’m a movement specialist & have been using The Feldenkrais Method® in Yorkshire since 2005 to meet people’s individual challenges. This has included creatives such as dancers, musicians, actors & writers, children and adults with disabilities, people with chronic fatigue syndrome, people living with MS, Parkinsons and strokes, sports people post-injury, folks recovering from surgery, women managing menopause symptoms and those with back pain.

Most people I see simply want to improve their comfort in daily life.

 I’m confident that if you feel your body doesn’t belong to you any more, Feldenkrais will help.

Caroline Scott

What are the benefits of The Feldenkrais Method®?

  • You'll become more flexible and have an easier time doing things like bending, reaching, and turning.

  • It can help you stay steady on your feet and prevent falls.

  • It can reduce aches and pains by teaching your body to move more efficiently.

  • It increases your awareness of how your body moves, making you more mindful and connected to yourself.

  • Feldenkrais can help you calm your agitated system and reduce your cortisol levels (stress hormone).

  • Athletes and performers use it to improve their skills and coordination.

  • By moving better, you can prevent future injuries and pain.

  • Feldenkrais can help you improve your sleep, reduce stress, boost your body awareness and self-image and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Feldenkrais classes, workshops & individual sessions in Yorkshire

  • Individual Sessions: Hebden Bridge

    These sessions can offer more in-depth learning through gentle touch and guided movement explorations tailored to your specific needs.

  • Workshops: Hebden Bridge

    Workshops take a deeper dive into movement and focus on particular areas of the body or specific issues/functions.

  • Feldenkrais Dance Sessions: Hebden Bridge

    Feldenkrais Dance Sessions: Hebden Bridge

    These explorations will tap into your innate ability to learn from the inside out, just as you did when you were an infant.

Interview with Caroline and a mini Feldenkrais lesson

From the blog

I like to share stories on my blog about movement, health or things that inspire me.

Kind words about Feldenkrais

  • "I now understand where my shoulders actually need to go"

    I attended the neck and shoulders workshop a few months back. When I get tense or if I am working a bit too much on the computer, I find my shoulders just creep up towards my ears. When I go to yoga or pilates, teachers always tell me to pull my shoulders down and back. They just never seem to want to go there. Caroline's class was different. I now understand where my shoulders actually need to go. Not back and down at all! I learned how to work with my body to feel my way to where the shoulders are, how movement could help the whole body align to help relax the shoulders. Thank you Caroline. That is 50 years of having my shoulders up by my ears solved in one workshop (although I would do it again in a heartbeat!!!). 

  • "A deep sense of wellbeing"

    I have been attending Caroline’s FK classes on Zoom, in person 1-1, moving into dance and group afternoon sessions for some time. I appreciate the choices and flexibility. With arthritis, heart problems and a general ageing body I feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful practitioner who knows my body and offers such accessible sessions which finish with a deep sense of well-being.

  • "One-to-one Feldenkrais sessions with Caroline helped me explore what had happened with my body"

    As someone who always put my body through its paces and struggled to be in touch with the subtleties of its movements, an enduring hip/back injury was making me feel despondent. My body had even twisted into an uncomfortable position as it tried to move away from the pain. One-to-one Feldenkrais sessions with Caroline helped me explore what had happened with my body and the healing process began. Gradually, my body found its way to a more natural and comfortable position and my mobility and mood both improved immensely.


  • "The best investment I have ever made in myself"

    I am 84 and have suffered from Asthma for all my life. Caroline has worked on my body with the gentle Feldenkrais method and I do the 2 x daily breathing exercises which Caroline has taught me. The astonishing result is that my breathing, and consequently my life, have been eased wonderfully. Thank you Caroline. The cost of the sessions have been the best investment I have made in myself.


  • "Caroline is a wonderful teacher, very supportive and experienced"

    Feldenkrais has helped me explore how to move more efficiently, with less strain after experiencing injury and chronic pain. Caroline is a wonderful teacher, very supportive and experienced. I continue to regularly practice a range of small movements, learnt in classes and in one-to-one sessions with Caroline, to successfully mitigate the effects of injury.

  • "I feel refreshed and have learnt new things about myself and have an enhanced awareness of my body"

    Over several years I have had one-to-one sessions with Caroline as well as doing some of her workshops. I also do her weekly zoom class. Caroline is kind and inquisitive about everyone attending her classes and about what they learn and notice. Her classes are enjoyable and interesting. We are encouraged to be curious and notice and with the recordings I can revisit the class at any time. Whatever is going on for me at the start of the class disappears and at the end I feel refreshed and have learnt new things about myself and have an enhanced awareness of my body.

  • "I leave class feeling calm and centred"

    “Caroline has a wonderful rare combination of sensitivity and efficiency. Her movement directions are clear and I usually leave class feeling calm and physically centred”.


  • "Caroline tunes into the varying needs of students"

    Caroline is an excellent teacher. She tunes into the varying needs of students, whatever their health, age or experience. Whether teaching in class, one-to-one or on Zoom, she is knowledgeable, thorough, endlessly patient and fun.


  • "My back has never felt better"

    My back has never felt better than since your workshop in Ilkley. I don’t think I really knew I had a pelvis till then; now it takes me everywhere almost utterly painlessly. Thank you SO much.


  • "I can cast off my daily concerns and focus inwards to find unexpected ways to move and deepen my experience of being me"

    Caroline's lessons have over time formed a special part of my week where I can cast off my daily concerns and focus inwards to find unexpected ways to move and deepen my experience of being me.

    Her approach is gentle and understanding but quietly powerful and she seems to pace the classes in such an attuned way, even online, that her explorations seem to unlock barriers I wasn't aware were there!


  • "Caroline gave me a new lease of life and in the eight years since then I have climbed seventy Wainwrights, done many walks in the Dales including each of the Three Peaks"

    I am a back sufferer from my misspent youth playing football. Feldenkrais has helped me in the past. In 2015 I had a very bad ankle which was really a symptom of my back problem and poor posture and I thought my days of walking in the hills might be done.

    Three or four sessions from Caroline gave me a new lease of life and in the eight years since then (now aged 76) I have climbed seventy Wainwrights, done many walks in the Dales including each of the Three Peaks, and the ninety miles of the Pennine Way from Marsden to Hawes in days out. So thank you Caroline for some golden memories. It worked for me.

    Peter M